For one week every summer, I direct Jr. High Girls Camp. But what about the other 51 weeks of the year? This is my place to discuss issues that teenage girls have, as well as keep all women up to date on what it means to be a teenage girl in today's world. As with all my discussions, I am always open to alternate opinions. Feel 100% free to disagree with me! The blog posts here completely represent my own personal opinion.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Camp Diet

"Didn't we just eat?"
"All we do is eat!"
"They're trying to fatten us up, like turkeys!"
"Gobble! Gobble!"
I heard these comments repeatedly all week at camp. Everyone acted like we ate til the point of bursting, and that at any moment, their bodies would explode! And yet... I lost weight...
I don't normally like that word, diet. It is not a happy word. It brings up feelings of anger and failure and memories of unsatisfying food. But going to camp is a diet! Three meals a day, with two small snacks. The days were structured so that every meal and exercise time was the same (mostly) every day. And even though we ate processed cheese, pizza, soda pop, and licorice, it was within moderation. I would love to go on the Camp Diet for the rest of the year!
The structure of the week helped to with my Spiritual Diet as well! Every morning I woke up to Morning Worship, and God was always present. In Theme Class, we talked about different understandings of who God is, which opens up to the presence of God always. In Jump Start to the Heart, we were reminded of the fact that God created us to be women: silly, fun, goofy women! Before going to bed, we were reminded of the love of God at our evening campfire.
Next time you're worried about your health, try going on the camp diet! Get plenty of sleep! Wake up with an easy exercise before eating a good breakfast! Spend your morning learning about and experiencing God! Eat a nice lunch before taking a nap! Get silly (and wet) playing around in the afternoon (Water Games!)! Eat a good dinner! Be honest and open with the people you love, and chat! Spend some time around a campfire! And brush your teeth!

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